Ensuring Your Safety with Certified Gas and Plumbing Services

Qualified and certified Engineers for every job

Safety is at the heart of everything we do and we have built our reputation this principle.

Whether the job involves gas, electrics or water, our engineers will always be properly qualified and certified to give you total peace of mind.

Gas Safe registered installer

Gas Safe

Ignite Gas are Gas Safe registered and our engineers are Gas Safe certified, to work on all of your gas appliances. In the right hands working with gas is perfectly safe, but in the hands of the unskilled it can be highly dangerous or fatal.


Our engineers will provide you with peace of mind that all work and certifications carried out for you will be with the upmost skill and care, and to all prevailing legal and compliance requirements.

For further information on gas safety in rented properties for both tenants and landlords, please see the gas safe website: https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/help-and-advice/renting-a-property/

Legionella risk assessments

If you are a landlord and rent out your property, you have legal responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of your tenant by keeping the property safe and free from health hazards, including the risk of contracting legionnaires disease.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have issued guidance that it is a landlord’s duty to ensure that their rented property has been assessed the risk of exposure to Legionella for their tenants.

Our testing engineers have years of plumbing experience and are certified risk assessors through RoSPA approved training to ensure that we can help landlords meet their legal obligations to carry our these risk assessments.

For further information and guidance on the legal duties around carrying out Legionella risk assessments, please see:


The chartered institute of plumbing and heating engineers (CIPHE) has published a useful guide on practical things to do to keep tenants safe - click here:


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